云仓酒庄与太平洋酒吧签署战略合作F PARTY精酿啤酒即将进驻BAR PACIFIC
近日,香港酒类综合供货商云仓酒庄与BAR PACIFI太平洋酒吧连锁正式签署战略合作协议,云仓酒庄旗下海外品牌精酿啤酒品牌F PARTY将全面进军太平洋酒吧多个
2024年10月18日,星期五,香港尖沙咀的夜幕低垂,燈火輝煌,一場關於精釀啤酒的盛會正在凱薈Eternity九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 17樓悄然上演。由香港雲倉酒莊有限公司主辦的“雲倉...
Chinese exhibitor Yuncang Winery participates in the 2023 Australia-China Expo
Starting from September 15, 2023, the 2023 Australia-China Expo will be held at the Melbourne Exhibi...
How to make selling wine easier: Discuss marketing strategies in the new era with Yuncang Winery
As the economy develops and consumer demands continue to change, wine companies are facing unprecede...
Yuncang Winery’s business model: seamless integration of tradition and innovation
In today's digital age, the traditional winery business model is facing unprecedented challenges...
Promote long-termism and the importance of sustainable development of Yuncang Winery
Yuncang Winery has always believed that building a strong brand can bring competitive advantages to ...